Community and Cultural Arts Grant Announced

image of heathman hall on yellow backdrop with metro logo and portland'5 centers for the arts logo

The Portland'5 Centers for the Arts Department of Culture and Community and Metro Council present the Community and Cultural Arts Grant program.

Local artists presenting art by and for historically marginalized communities are underrepresented at Portland’5 Centers for the Arts. Understanding the need for access and resources to bring that art to our public performing arts spaces, Metro Council and Portland’5 Centers for the Arts’ (Portland’5) Department of Culture and Community are launching the Community and Cultural Arts Grant. This grant program will provide resources and opportunities for art groups, organizations, and individual artists/creatives to access Portland’5 theaters and spaces for a single event.  

Who is eligible? 

These funds are for community-based organizations, groups, and individuals led by and for people and communities who have had their identities historically marginalized on the basis of race/ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, ability, citizenship status, basic needs insecurity, etc. 
In addition, the applicants must:  

  • Be based within the Metro district, 
  • Demonstrate a clear artistic connection to the communities they serve
  • Demonstrating a clear need for fiscal sponsorship
  • Not be a recipient of a Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Portland’5 Performing Arts Grant
  • Propose an event that aligns with the Department of Culture and Community's mission and goals

Click here to apply.


What is the timeline? 

January 17, 2025: Grants funds announced
January 22, 2025: Virtual info session
February 17, 2025: Applications due
March 2025: Awardees announced


Program Overview: 

Program Goal: To provide historically marginalized communities and groups with resources to host performances, artist talks, speaker series, and other artistic presentations in the Portland’5 theaters. 

Program Outcomes: 

  • Attract broader audiences: Expand and diversify Portland’5’s audience demographics and develop a method for reaching new audiences.  
  • Social Equity and access: Break down barriers for historically marginalized communities, opening theater access to all voices and stories.  
  • Economic advancement: Provide financial support for historically marginalized artists/performers and groups.   
  • Sustainable future: Create a long-term plan for a thriving, inclusive theater community. 
  • Develop a thriving cultural scene: Embrace the artistic and cultural richness of the Metro region.    


Funding Availability: A total of $50,000 is available to be awarded. Grant awards are expected to be between $5,000 and $10,000. The grant will cover all event costs including artist fees and hospitality, labor expenses (event services, box office, production, operations), equipment rental, marketing, and other event costs. Rent will be waived.     

Click here to apply.


A virtual info session will be held at noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. You must RSVP in order to receive the link to attend! RSVP here. 

Staff Contact: For more information, contact Ruby Joy White, Director of Culture and Community, at [email protected].  

Read the Community and Cultural Arts Grant Handbook here.



January 16, 2025