Newmark Theatre

One Man Star Wars® Trilogy

Canadian actor and uber geek, Charles Ross, brings his solo madcap creation One-Man Star Wars® Trilogy to the stage in this mind-bending whirlwind of a show. Ross retells the classic bad hair trilogy in 60 minutes—no costumes, no props, no sets—all the characters, the music, the ships, and the battles. 

If your kid’s name is Chewbacca, this show is a no-brainer. If not, get your nerd on and experience the global sensation loved by audiences from London’s West End, Off-Broadway, Dubai, the Sydney Opera House, Lucasfilm, and Charlie’s mom. The Force is strong with this one.

Written and Performed by Charles Ross
Directed by TJ Dawe.

One Man Star Wars® Trilogy performed with permission of Lucasfilm Ltd. All ‘Star Wars®’ elements property of Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.


All ticket holders, regardless of age, are required to show proof of full COVID vaccination or a negative test result (within 72 hours) from a healthcare provider for entry into the theatre. “Fully vaccinated” means that ticket holders have received their final vaccination dose of either the two-dose regimen of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or one dose of Johnson & Johnson at least 14 days before your performance date. 

Also, in accordance with state and local guidelines, face masks are required for entry. Masks must completely cover nose and mouth. Gaiters and bandanas are not acceptable. If wearing a face mask that does not comply with Metro policy, Portland’5 will provide a face mask for patrons. Masks must be worn at all times except while eating or drinking for brief periods. Prolonged periods of mask removal are not permitted for eating or drinking – masks must be worn between bites and sips.

This policy is subject to change.

Newmark Theatre : Upcoming Events

Professional photo of Terence Blanchard in front of a velvet curtain holding a trumpet.

The 2025 Biamp Portland Jazz Festival welcomes Terence Blanchard to the Newmark Theatre on Thursday,...

Showing: 02/20
Photo of Terri Lynn Carrington standing on an empty city street and laughing

Cancelled: The 2025 Biamp Portland Jazz Festival presents drummer-producer Terri Lyne Carrington We Insist...

Showing: 02/21
Four youth cello players stand on a street with their instruments

Metropolitan Youth Symphony presents Community Concerts, Downtown!, in the Newmark Theatre on February 23...

Showing: 02/23
Photo of male and female flamenco dancers performing

White Bird welcomes flamenco group Noche Flamenca to the Portland'5 Newmark Theatre February 26–27, 2025,...

Showing: 02/26 - 02/27
Kathy Griffin standing behind a dumpster fire with text My Life on the PTSD-List

Live Nation presents Kathy Griffin: My Life on the PTSD-List, February 28, 2025 in the Newmark Theatre

Showing: 02/28
Translinear Light:

The 2025 Biamp Portland Jazz Festival presents Translinear Light: The Music of Alice Coltrane feat. Ravi...

Showing: 03/01