Located Inside:

Antoinette Hatfield Hall

Winningstad Theatre

The Evolve Experience

The Evolve Experience is a unique arts-based workshop built around first-person narratives from police officers, judges, and Black community members describing their lived experiences at the intersection of race and the justice system. By providing a framework to witness these true stories and engage in open dialogue, The Evolve Experience inspires participants to connect with their common humanity across difference, discover shared values, consider alternative views, and see multiple truths.

The Evolve Experience uses strong language and deals with difficult topics related to policing, racism, and violence, which some audiences may find upsetting. For this reason our age recommendation is 13+.

Winningstad Theatre : Upcoming Events

Legally Blonde title art with tan chihuahua in pink vest on top of stacked books

Stumptown Stages presents the award-winning Legally Blonde The Musical at the Portland'5...

Showing: 04/26 - 05/19

NW Academy presents Dynamo, their Arts Week middle school performances, at the Portland'5 Winningstad...

Showing: 05/21 - 05/22

Northwest Academy presents Espirit, their Arts Week high school performance, at the Portland'5 Winningstad...

Showing: 05/24
Photo collage of various performers of Mission 15 with title text

Resonance Ensemble presents their Mission 15 concert at the Portland'5 Winningstad Theatre Saturday, June...

Showing: 06/08
Square photo collage of featured artists with title text

Big Mouth Society presents The Fruits of Our Labor concert at the Portland’5 Winningstad Theatre...

Showing: 06/16
Illustration of Dragon with glowing eyes and full moon in background

Damon Jones, owner of Actors in Action talent agency, presents The Last Dragon, an...

Showing: 08/08 - 08/10